Temporary crowns and bridges
Temporary crowns and bridges
- Hybrid abutments
- Gingiva formers
- Bite splint
- Retaining elements
- Framerworks for clasp dentures
- Tertiary constructions
- Telescopic crowns
- Crowns and bridges
- Transversal connectors
- Occlusal splints
- Denture bases
- Sublingual clasps
- Fully amatomical crowns
- Anatomically reduced crowns and bridge frameworks
- Anatomically reduced crowns and bridge frameworks and bridges(max 3 units)
- Multi-unit,screw-retained restorations on Ti bases abutments
Inlays、Onlays、Single crowns、Multi-unit bridges of up to 16 units、Abutments、Partial dentures、Wax-ups、Model castings
Full dentures、Partial dentures、Temporary immediate load implant dentures