Explore a groundbreaking denture revolution!

Explore a groundbreaking denture revolution!

Explore a groundbreaking denture revolution! Digitalized removable denture fabrication, an astonishing innovative product. By individually cutting the denture base and artificial teeth, and then bonding them together, we achieve a seamless integration of the base and teeth, bringing you a natural and beautiful smile. 




No need for cumbersome processes, using digital design, completed in 4 hours, providing you with outstanding experience.


Materials: LEONGY PMMA Disc: (1) Pink A-V; (2) Multilayer PMMA A2

Equipment: LEONGY 5X-1

CAD Software: 3-Shape

CAM Software: WorkNC

Note: Completed in as fast as 4 hours.

Patient impressions 1 hour, design 0.5 hours; processing 2.5 hours (with 2 machines); additional 1.5 hours for wax try-in (wax production).


Treatment process:

  • Examine the patient’s condition.
  • Dentist takes impressions or scans.
  • Computer-aided design (CAD).
  • Digital model arrangement.
  • CAD/CAM wax-up (white wax disc).
  • Wax try-in.
  • Separation of denture base and artificial teeth.
  • CAD/CAM machining.
  • Bonding.
  • Finalize digital denture.
  • Patient wears denture.